One day, a few years ago, as it was approaching 6:00 p.m., I looked at my to-do list for the day (I’m a big list maker) and there was not one thing I could cross off.  It was a combination of distractions, email, changing priorities, and a dose of just plain laziness, but basically, nothing was getting done.

And what does a girl do when she is mad at herself for not getting anything done?  Clearly, she goes on Facebook to tell her 1400 friends that she is not getting anything done.  I’m not sure if this was public self-flagellation or an attempt at getting sympathy (and exoneration), but that day, I posted as my status update:

“I wish I was getting more accomplished today.”

Almost instantly, my incredibly witty cousin, Heidi, replied, “I don’t know — I think you’re pretty accomplished already.”

What a wonderful play on words! But Heidi’s note made me pause and think about what would cause her to say that about me.  The moment was nice, and gave me a little boost of temporary happiness, but it wasn’t the solution to the problem.  I still needed to do something to make me feel like the day wasn’t a total waste. To maintain happiness, I needed to feel progress towards success each day. This is not true of everyone, but to me, accomplished was not the same as successful, and I needed to see myself as successful.

Now, years later, I can look back at that exchange and realize how happy it should have made me. Someone saw me as accomplished! She took time out of her day to tell me that! How did it make me happier or make the world better for me to blow that off and say, “But I’ve got to get work done!”? 

When others give you light, accept it.
Bathe in it.
Let it warm you.
Hold a piece of it with you forever.

Yes, you should know what drives you, and enjoy that journey, but open yourself to see yourself as others see you. And let that make you very, very happy!