Today, I’m reposting an article from March, about losing and regaining momentum — something I’ve been struggling with this week. Hope it helps you as much as it helped me.

How to Overcome a Loss of Momentum
Posted on March 8, 2013 by speakhappiness

You may have noticed that this is the first blog post since Monday. Or maybe you didn’t, which is more realistic. (I am not the center of the universe I am not the center of the universe I am not the center of the universe…)

Last week, in a giant burst of creative energy, I wrote several posts and scheduled them to go up each morning, so didn’t have to think about the blog after last Wednesday. I knew I would be traveling Monday and Tuesday, but would be back into it by this Wednesday, no problem.

As you know, Wednesday didn’t happen. Then Thursday didn’t happen. Now it’s noon on Friday and I am literally forcing myself to type. Luckily, we’re heading into the weekend and the “Happy Quote” posts, so that will provide the break I need to get back on track.

Here’s the thing I’ve figured out about losing momentum – getting it back matters more than the outcome.

I think we can all agree that this is far from the best entry ever posted on SpeakHappiness, but it exists. Writing it gets me past the hurdle of not writing it, even if I’m doing something as trivial as writing about writing it. Ooph! I have gone meta in the worst way.

The only way to get out of a slump is to get out of the slump. Do something – anything – to move past inertia. Don’t worry about the outcome, just move…or type…or cook…or read. Whatever will get you one micron closer to your goal. And if that doesn’t end the slump, do the same thing the next day. Motion, even a millimeter at a time, is better than stasis.

I hope this message finds you slump-free and well on your way to success. Moreover, I hope to join you there soon.